Common Parts Found in a Wellhead – Part 2
Last month in part 1 of Common Parts Found in a Wellhead, we described the following common parts found in a wellhead, including casing spools, casing hangars, casing head, bowl protector, and wellhead bushings. Here are some additional common elements found in a wellhead casing made by a wellhead casing manufacturer.
Mudline Suspension
A mudline suspension system is used in subsea well drilling and transfers the weight of the well to the seabed using a series of hangers to transfer the weight of the casing string to the conductor and the sea bed, while providing access in order to disconnect and reconnect the equipment as necessary.
Tubing Head
The tubing head is a wellhead component that supports the tubing hangar and attaches the wellhead to the Christmas tree.
Tubing Hangar
The tubing hangar is located within the tubing head and is attached to the top tubing joint within the wellhead. The tubing head and hanger create a sealing system of hydraulically isolate the conduit and annulus.
Tubing Adapter
Also known as a tubing head adapter, this serves as a transition point between the tubing head and the lower master valve in a Christmas tree. The adapter serves as a production tubing seal and a secondary annulus seal on a completion tubing string and supports the weight of a tubing string.
Test Plug
A test plug is used after a casing head and blow out preventers have been installed on a well and a high-pressure test is performed. The test checks the integrity of the well to make sure that it is operating properly before you start drilling again.
This concludes our 2-Part blog post series on the common parts found in a wellhead.
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Forged Components knows wellhead components. We have provided API wellhead component forging services for leading oil/gas companies for over 20 years. Call us at (281) 441-4088 or contact us online to learn more about how we can manufacture wellhead components that are perfect for you.