What are 5 of the Most Common Wellhead Casing Components?
As one of the world’s leading wellhead casing and tubing head manufacturers, Forged Components understands the needs for wellhead casings and other wellhead components used by the petroleum and natural gas production industries. We manufacture most of them. Here are some of the most common components of wellhead casings:
Casing Heads
The casing head is a pressure vessel that serves as the “go-between” from the conductor pipe and the surface pressure control equipment: a blowout preventer if the wellhead is for drilling and a christmas tree if it is for production.
Blowout Preventer
A blowout preventer (BOP) is a special valve designed to prevent the uncontrolled release of crude oil or natural gas from a well during drilling. Blowouts are very dangerous and can lead to catastrophic damage as well as loss of life. A blowout preventer failure is believed to have contributed to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Christmas Tree
The christmas tree is a series of pressurized valves, fittings and spools designed to help control the flow of crude oil or gas in during well production. It gets its name from the numerous lights that display the status of the well during production. The christmas tree allows the producer to inject chemicals or other components into the well in order to break up blockages, as well as serve as the safety values for the production.
Casing Hangers
Casing hangers are used in a wellhead to support the casing strings–the lengths of steel pipe used in the wellbore–and seal off the casing spool from the casing strings. The most common casing hanger size is 13-3/8 inches.
Casing Spools
The casing spool secures the top of a casing string as well as seals and supports them. This wellhead casing component allows the well and the blowout preventer to be pressure tested during the drilling process.
These are just some high-level definitions of a few of the wellhead casing components involved in the oil and natural gas production process. Keep an eye out for more detailed explanations of the various wellhead casing components in upcoming months.
Forged Components is a Leading Wellhead Casing Manufacturer
We specialize in wellhead casing and and tubing head manufacturing amongst other wellhead components that we specialize in. Give us a call at (281) 441-4088 or contact us online to talk to a wellhead components specialist today.