The Top 3 Issues Forged Rings Solves Compared to Traditional Manufacturing Methods

Most problems found in metal rings can be attributed to their manufacturing process. Rings that are created through the casting process lack strength and are more likely to break under heavy strain. Rolling, welding or cutting rings from metal plates can also result in defects and lack of tensile strength in the rings. These manufacturing processes create rings that are …

Advantages of the Ring Rolling Forge Process

In a recent Gear Solutions article, Scott Forge listed the advantages of using the forged metal working process to produce essential metal parts for maximum quality, cost effectiveness, and specialized performance. To produce forged steel rings, rolling mills are used to accomplish a process known as ring rolling. The mills are of various sizes and are capable of constructing rings …

Tolerances in Rolled Ring Forging

The tolerance standards from the ASME recognize the problematic variances of seamless rolled rings in any process. These tolerances allow for slight differentiation in the products made by a forged rings manufacturer. In the seamless rolled ring forging process, there is a higher rate of precision that consistently puts finished products well within the accepted tolerance standards. How Rolled Ring …

How Forged Steel Rings Are Created and Used

Forged metals are one of the biggest businesses inside the manufacturing industry. Almost all other industries need forged components. Applications for Forged Steel Rings Machines and equipment need forged components to prevent fatigue and wear and tear. Vehicles need forged metals on tension areas of the vehicle such as kingpins, steering arms, and in gears and joints. Valves and pipes …

What Type of Long Weld Connections Does Forge Components Make?

FC has several long weld neck connections, including heavy barrel, intermediate barrel, super barrel and equal barrel. When it comes to long weld neck connection forging FCI shines as the leader in custom cnc machining connections for pressure vessels and carbon steel flange manufacturing. We will forge the long weld connections you need.